This is a case study I presented at a Symposium on ‘Counselling the Exceptional Experiencer’ on 20th May 2023. The event was hosted by the Parapsychological Association.
In the first part of the video I set out my current theoretical stance. I explain the ‘Weird Therapy’ compass rose, which is made up of two integrations: Developmental / Transpersonal and Somatic / Relational.
In the second part I explore the case of ‘Sam’, a client that I have worked with over the past 18 months who is both trans and has past life memories. I also talk about the remarkable synchronicities that have brought us together and my personal journey towards Weird Therapy.
As a coda to this, another synchronicity occurred which is not mentioned in the video. On the day before the event I visited my friend David Luke, a former president of the Parapsychological Assocation. David had suggested that I apply to speak at the event, and I went to see him in his woodland near Tunbridge Wells. The next day I mentioned this to Sam, and he said that Ray, his past life self, had died in a plane crash near Tunbridge Wells in September 1940.
David’s woods are less than a mile from the crash site.
Copyright © 2022 My Sunset by Bogdan Bendziukov.